Thursday, January 14, 2010

More Urbanga Art

Looming Cyber Trade War With China

It's clear that the road to war with China resides in ethernet cable. We have heard suspicions about the Chinese government supporting attacks on Google, Yahoo and Adobe, but in the end what matters most is their insistence on pegging their currency to ours. It's a lot like having your little sister follow you around all day with her finger 1 millimeter from your eyeball while repeating over and over "I'm not touching, I'm not touching you." Fun.

Now they wouldn't risk physical war with the U.S., but if they can poke at us through the wire to see our defenses then they will. As Buster would say stop essing with us! I will leave China with a couple more gems, lifted from my Israeli friends:

Play nice, there are lots of funs to be had, but if you continue to fucking up with us then we won't bring the snakes to the picnic.